
Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Geez~ It's already April, and I'm still alive...

Well well, I've been rather busy recently.
That explains why I haven't been coming online and also the lack of posts in my blog.
Busy with "Ching Beng" (Saturday and Sunday, too many dead relatives), getting visitors quite often (at home), and running around town with my friends.

Ching Beng is like, a festival? Whereby we pay our dead relatives' graveyard a visit. lol~
Happens every year, and no I'm not sure about the date. I think it's on the 18th of the third month in the Lunar calendar, no? Hmmm~ Never mind.

Well what kind of visitors do I get at home?
My cousins, my sister's friends (which, I think, I know the most of them), and pests.
Really, why are there so many mosquitoes these days? Mayhap it be the rain?

And running around town, really is nothing. Everyone does the same.
Yumcha, movies, karaoke, basketball, and just recently, everyone seem to have found a new hobby, an old hobby - dancing. Yeah we're all dancing again. Breakdance, a little hip-hop and poppin', it's all good.
Maybe we'll do some dancing and I'll take some pics and post it up here.
Yeah that'll do. Soon to come.

And well, Meet The Robinsons should be quite fun to watch. And I haven't watch 300 yet~
Another reason for me to hit the cinema.

And well, right about now, my blog account is having some problem. Or maybe it's just my connection. I cannot connect to my blog, but heck, I can still post an entry.
What is freaking wrong?

No matter. I'll just wait until it's back.

I imagine a bowl of noodles with some beef and all that goodness.
I'm hungry. That calls for a break.
To the kitchen, I go~


Anonymous said...

Go 'ching beng' remember to ask yr ancestor for magnum empat ekor numbers la wei! We share share wollap 10 big 10 small!!!!

Anonymous said...

the passwd is langkawi ;)

Rycerain said...

LOL. this is the disadvantage of being the only son in the family!
u better come back soon~
We'll gonna miss u.. kakaka!

AaronWoolala said...

Aceone118, yeah got buy, but always no kena one~ Sienz.

Meikee, yeah got it~

Rycerain, well I'm not so back yet. lol~
But I still check every once in a while.
You're seriously going to miss me?
Awww~ lol..

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Disclaimer Note

Please take note that, whatever be my topic, I mean no offense.
All are plain thoughts that crossed my mind.
And err, no human beings or animals were harmed in the process of making this blog. Peace to the world!